Saturday, January 12, 2008

Girls Hockey Team

Shooting in arenas and other venues with tricky lighting is always a challange. I used full manual overides on this one. The lighting was brightest at this end of the rink and the fact the girls were stationary made the difference here. I adjusted the contrast and increased the saturation slightly in PhotoShop 7 and ended up with what I think is a very decent photo. You can see one girl smiling through her mask. Here is the EXIF info:
Camera - Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Exposure Time - 1/40
Shutter Speed Value - 1/40 seconds
ApertureValue - F 3.19
Exposure Bias Value - 0.67
Max Aperture Value - F 3.19
ISO Value - 800
Metering mode - Evaluative Focus type
Exposure mode - Av-priority
Focal length - 600 - 7200 mm (100 mm)
Continuous White Balance

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Frank... You are so technical!!!! :-)
Ever think of giving a course on camera usage? Nice Blog!
Excellent pictures. the picture of the little girl is priceless... You did an excellent job on all the pictures. Nice to see your Mom and Dad also. Excellent job!
Helen B.